Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Silver Falls

Last weekend I visited Silver Falls State Park, near Silverton, Oregon, for the first time. I'm delighted to say that our hiking luck held out -- the weather was beautiful for most of our time on the trail, despite predictions to the contrary, and the rain earlier in the day made things shimmer when the sun arrived. The tall, skinny shots below are stitched panoramas, and they're quite big. Click on them if you want to see a slightly larger version in a new window.

Henry wreaks havoc on the Rhododendron Gardens

Henry turned 2. We went to the Rhododendron Gardens and took some pictures. What could be cuter?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dog Mountain

Hard to imagine anywhere prettier than the Columbia river gorge during wildflower season. Got up early last Saturday to hike Dog Mountain. It's a 7.5 mile round-trip with 2,800 feet of elevation gain, but totally worth the sore glutes the next day. The photos don't even completely do it justice. Really breathtaking.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Brigitte and Eric

What have I gotten myself into?

I did an engagement shoot with Brigitte and Eric last week, and I have to say, it doesn't bode well for their wedding photos. For one thing, they're pretty shy in front of the camera. Add to that the fact that they're just not that good looking or stylish, and I smell disaster. If only I could get them to come out of their shells a bit and show their affection for each other...

I'm kidding, of course. I challenge you to find a more adorable, easier-to-work-with couple than these two. It can't be done!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Eastside Mom's Group 2nd Birthday Party

My sister recently had 14 toddlers and their families over to her house for a group second birthday party. Sounds like the set-up for a horror story, right? It turned out to be a lovely morning, though. There was lots of sunshine, mimosas, a downright delicious pot-luck brunch, shockingly few tears and no disasters to speak of. Throw in some trucks, some dirt, some balls, and a bit of hugging, and you've got yourself a party!

Click on the group photo below to see it bigger -- I think it came out pretty good, considering I was standing in a line-up of dads trying to catch 14 moms and 14 2-year-olds looking up at once...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Catherine Creek

Went for a lovely birthday hike at Catherine Creek, which is just over the Columbia from Hood River (in Washington.) There were wild flowers blooming, and blue skies with fluffy clouds -- basically everything you could want from an April hike. Stopped at the Full Sail brewery for some mac & cheese, which is basically everything you could want from mac & cheese. Then took a little detour for some sunset photos in Hood River. All in all, a delightful birthday.