Monday, February 22, 2010

Up Clothing Project

More beautiful kiddies! So here are some photos I took for a friend for her business, Up Clothing Project. It's a really cool idea: she up-cycles used shirts, turning them into adorable kid's clothes! Her designs are super-adorable, as were the little models she lined up for the shoot...

Thursday, February 11, 2010


With all the lousy weather everybody seems to be having, I thought I would post a few shots "from the vault." I went to Hawaii on vacation with my family this past November, spent a week on Kauai'i in the sunshine...

A few people have expressed interest in purchasing my landscape prints for their homes. I hadn't really thought about it before, (when I'm taking photos like these, I'm mostly thinking about the annual calendar I put together for my mom at Christmas!) but if you are interested, email me.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Burn the Seed

A few weekends ago I went out to a gig to photograph Portland band Burn the Seed. This was my first attempt at band photography, and good times were had. First of all, I got to listen to great music while shooting. And I got to play with low light and some toy lenses. Even the post-processing was fun; there's more leeway to be creative with color and effects when working with photos of musicians.

Any other bands out there who need photos? I would love to have another crack at this...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Scott's new addition!

I recently got the chance to take some photos of my friend Scott's lovely family. I know Scott from my restaurant - he plays music there weekly (check him out here) and in addition to being quite talented he's just about as nice a guy as you can imagine. When I heard he had a new addition, I was excited to visit and take some pictures. As you can undoubtedly see, his family is every bit as delightful as he is...